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The Week That Was in Cycling Social Media (Week 51)

Well, it's Doomsday day today and the world is due to end in a few hours.

It's sad being right before Christmas. But on the other hand it's a great excuse to open your Chrissie presents early, skip out of work and go for one last ride.

Coming in to the festive season there has been a lot of Christmas related cycling posts in the social media world.

Here are a few of our favs:


Tweet of the week. Short and Sweet.

I wanna ride bikes

Merry Xmas everyone, from BikeBug.

Keeping slim over the Holidays.

Christmas cycling

Intergalactic Bicycle Service, has a Cane Creek Christmas tree.

It's better looking than the tree I'm going to have this year.

Cane Creek Tree

Cycling the Alps always has the best pictures. They always make me dream of my next cycling holiday.


Cycling the Alps

For the most shared / common post of the week, I have seen this everywhere for both Bikes and Motorbikes.

I saw it first at Vital MTB.

 Most common

Cyclo X is a big thing in the cycling world at the moment, I agree with Pro Bike Kit... Someone needs to write to Santa asking for a new bike this Chrissie.

New Bike  


Anything we missed? Let us know below!


SamAuthor: Sam Spencer
Sam has been a keen cyclist since he learned how to walk. Starting with BMX at a young age, he then participated in many areas of competitive cycling. A regular commuter, Sam has worked as a cycling instructor and coach for an outdoor education program.

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