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The Week That Was in Cycling Social Media (Week 3)

Not a lot has changed with the main subject in cycling social media in the last week. My aim for the day is to not mention his name as it he has been in the limelight far to much lately.

Today is the 'The Interview'. I will be begrudgingly watching it.

Moving along...

1. ChainReaction found this gem from GoPro on Youtube. I've seen a buck take out a MTB rider in South Africa, but it seems the wildlife in Australia don't want to be shown up. So now we have EMU v MTB:


Emu vs MTB - Play Video...


2. BikeRoar has had it's most popular / shared post ever this week. 

It looks interesting, it looks fun. There has been some confusion if it is real or not though.

I can confirm this is not real. The picture was taken from and was voted one of the best photoshop designs. I do wish it was real.


Seems Legit


3. The most common post I have seen this week. No need to make a comment really, I think this is why we all ride.


Days to life


4. My Pin of the week. Tim Deyzel seems to find some great stuff, I also have to credit him with the TT unicycle.

I like being confused, and well, this has done it.




5. Tweet of the week this week actually goes to us here at BikeRoar. I never intended to use BikeRoar's tweets, but I can't agree more with this one (I don't manage the BikeRoar twitter account - Honest).


Shut up and ride

Have you seen anything else around the cycling social media traps this week that is worthy of a mention here?

Let us know below:


SamAuthor: Sam Spencer
Sam has been a keen cyclist since he learned how to walk. Starting with BMX at a young age, he then participated in many areas of competitive cycling. A regular commuter, Sam has worked as a cycling instructor and coach for an outdoor education program.

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